718-204-1166 |   70-01 Astoria Blvd. N East Elmhurst, NY 11370

Big Apple BBQ's Guide to Buying Grills and BBQs in East Elmhurst, NY

BBQ & Grill in Queens, NY


Welcome to the ultimate grill and BBQ buying guide by Big Apple BBQ, East Elmhurst, NY. Here, we help you turn your outdoor cooking dreams into a reality by finding the grill that fits your lifestyle perfectly.

Grilling vs. Barbecuing

BBQ (barbecue) and grilling are both popular cooking methods, but they differ significantly in terms of cooking time, temperature, and flavor.

  • BBQ is a slow cooking process that uses low and indirect heat, often with the addition of smoke for extra flavor. This method is ideal for tougher cuts of meat, as the prolonged cooking time breaks down fibers and tenderizes the meat. It's often associated with a depth of flavor due to the smoke and the use of various rubs and sauces. IF you are someone who enjoys the art of cooking and taking their time with preparing food. Investing in a BBQ could be a great option for you!
  • On the other hand, grilling involves cooking food quickly over direct, high heat or flames. This method is suitable for relatively tender items like steaks, burgers, chicken breasts, vegetables, and fish. Grilling is known for its ability to impart a charred, smoky flavor to the food and create a crispy exterior while keeping the inside moist. Purchasing a high quality grill is a fantastic option if you love to entertain and cook a variety of food. Whether it's a weeknight cooking for the family or you're hosting a party for many people.
  • While BBQ focuses on slow cooking and flavor infusion, grilling emphasizes speed and the distinct flavor of the char.


    Experience the unique flavors that only a BBQ can offer. Great for social gatherings and versatile cooking, a BBQ is more than a cooking device; it's a centerpiece for memorable moments.

  • Flavor Enhancement: BBQs are renowned for their ability to infuse deep, smoky flavors into food, especially meats. The slow cooking process allows for the full development of flavors, making dishes more savory and complex.
  • Versatility in Cooking: BBQs are excellent for cooking large cuts of meat, such as briskets, ribs, or whole poultry, which can be difficult to cook properly on a standard grill. The low and slow cooking method is ideal for tenderizing tougher cuts of meat.
  • Social and Cultural Experience: Barbecuing often serves as a social event, bringing family and friends together. It's not just about cooking; it's about the experience and tradition it creates, often associated with gatherings, celebrations, and communal enjoyment.


    Grills are the epitome of convenience and variety. Perfect for quick meals and diverse menus, a grill is a must-have for every urban chef and outdoor cooking enthusiast.

  • Quick and Convenient Cooking: Grills are perfect for quick cooking. They heat up fast and cook food rapidly, making them ideal for busy lifestyles or delicious impromptu cooking sessions.
  • Healthy Cooking Option: Grilling is a healthier cooking method as it allows fat from the meat to drip off, reducing calorie intake. It also helps in retaining more vitamins and minerals in vegetables when grilled.
  • Versatility of Food Choices: Grills are not just for meat; they can be used to cook a wide variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, fish, and even pizzas. This versatility allows for a diverse range of culinary experiments and options, so you can prepare food no matter who you're cooking for!


    Living in Queens means considering space, local regulations, and the changing seasons. We'll guide you through selecting the perfect grill or BBQ that complements your urban lifestyle After reading the list below, give us a call to speak with a friendly sales rep, and let us know the type of grill or BBQ you're looking for.

  • Space Constraints: New York City homes often have limited outdoor space. Measure your available space to ensure the BBQ or grill fits comfortably, leaving room for safe operation.
  • Local Regulations: Check local building and fire codes for any restrictions on grilling, especially in apartment buildings or condos. NYC has specific regulations regarding the type of grill you can use on a balcony or rooftop.
  • Fuel Type: Decide between charcoal, gas, electric, or wood pellet grills. Gas and electric grills are often preferred in urban settings for convenience and because they are generally accepted in areas where open flames are restricted.
  • Portability: If you have communal outdoor space or plan to store your grill indoors when not in use, consider a portable model that's easier to move around.
  • Ventilation: Ensure there is adequate ventilation in the area where you plan to use the grill. Proper airflow is crucial for safety, especially in more enclosed spaces.
  • Storage Solutions: Consider grills with built-in storage for tools and accessories, which can be particularly beneficial in maximizing limited space.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Look for a grill that is easy to clean and maintain, as city grilling often means dealing with less space for upkeep.
  • Budget: Determine your budget as grills can range widely in price. Keep in mind that higher-end models may offer longer durability and better performance.
  • Safety Features: Prioritize grills with good safety features, such as stable construction, secure lids, and automatic shut-off for gas models.

  • Visit Big Apple BBQ for a hands-on experience and expert guidance. We're here to make sure you leave with a grill that you'll love for years to come.